iOS is BIG

It would take a week to read the names of everything on the App Store. Lay out all the iPhones and iPads ever sold and they’d stretch all the way around the world. The colossal size of Apple’s iOS ecosystem: a visual guide from the experts at Tap! The iPhone and iPad magazine. Vote in their poll to decide the greatest iOS app of all time now:

Suspects of Office Injuries

You may think that the office is the safest place to work but this isn’t true. There are many hidden dangers which cause work place injuries to white collar workers everyday. Some injuries caused are instant and some can take a long period of time for the symptoms to show.
Office equipment you obliviously use every day can cause you harm and they are getting away with these crimes unpunished.
Here are the prime suspects of these crimes and the injuries they have inflicted on unsuspecting office workers.

Innocent office workers become victim to trips and falls causing injury to their necks, shoulders, arms, wrists, knees and ankles. Other injuries develop over a longer period of time such as repetitive strain injury, back and neck problems. You even have to be wary of office equipment that can damage your health over time from exposure of harmful substances emitted unwillingly.

If you have witnessed any of these crimes being committed please come in and report them. These suspects are at large and will injure more of your co-workers.

There is innocent office equipment that is used properly can be completely safe. Lets eliminate this incorrect usage and reduce office injury.

Source: Atrium Legal

How Virtual Assistants Can Make Your Life Easier

Smartphones have become leading lifestyle devices now expected to do more than voice-calling. Now entertainment and multifunctional instruments, they make our lives much easier than ever before.

Virtual assistant apps help consumers access a variety of services, from calling, emailing and texting, to shopping, streaming TV and even booking travel. This infographic details one of these apps to show how virtual assistant can make our live much easier.

Check out the full infographic below:

The Biggest Paralympic Games Yet

The Olympic Games are over for the next 4 years but the excitement does not end there with the 14th Paralympics Games fast approaching at the end of August 2012.

The Paralympic Games started in Rome in 1960 and it is the first time that the UK has been awarded the hosting privilege. With the recent outstanding success of London 2012, expectations are rising that the 2012 Paralympics Games will be the biggest Paralympics Games since they started.

This year 4200 athletes from 150 countries will be competing for 499 gold medals over 11 days and 2.5 million tickets have been sold for the games. These record breaking numbers show how much the world has changed in the past 50 years and cement the reputation of the Paralympics as a leading light in the fight against inequality and disability discrimination.

Changing the Face of E-Commerce: The Tablet Shopper

E-commerce has traditionally been dominated by the laptop and home PC…not anymore. Tablets began as an electronic novelty but are quickly changing the way people shop online. Thanks to a highly portable and new online experience, an ever-increasing number of Americans are relying upon tablets to make online purchases.

Think about this: 55 million Americans already own a tablet, and 77 percent of tablet owners report using their tablet to shop online. This statistic is projected to grow by leaps and bounds over the next few years. With statistics this impressive, it is no wonder that 91 percent of retailers already have some sort of mobile marketing strategy in place.

Tablet shoppers are on the rise and are changing the face of e-commerce. To stay competitive, online retailers need to pay attention to these changes. A retailer can’t do this if they don’t understand the demographic of the tablet shopper.

Learn more about tablet shoppers and how to optimize your ecommerce website for mobile shoppers via this infographic:

Source: Miva Merchant ecommerce platform