Suspects of Office Injuries

You may think that the office is the safest place to work but this isn’t true. There are many hidden dangers which cause work place injuries to white collar workers everyday. Some injuries caused are instant and some can take a long period of time for the symptoms to show.
Office equipment you obliviously use every day can cause you harm and they are getting away with these crimes unpunished.
Here are the prime suspects of these crimes and the injuries they have inflicted on unsuspecting office workers.

Innocent office workers become victim to trips and falls causing injury to their necks, shoulders, arms, wrists, knees and ankles. Other injuries develop over a longer period of time such as repetitive strain injury, back and neck problems. You even have to be wary of office equipment that can damage your health over time from exposure of harmful substances emitted unwillingly.

If you have witnessed any of these crimes being committed please come in and report them. These suspects are at large and will injure more of your co-workers.

There is innocent office equipment that is used properly can be completely safe. Lets eliminate this incorrect usage and reduce office injury.

Source: Atrium Legal

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