2015 Christmas Spending Statistics

There’s no doubt you are probably spending way more than you should this holiday season, don’t worry, we all do. The below infographic details out several holiday statistics that make it pretty obvious this time of year is huge when it comes to spending money on others. Get the full list of statistics below.

Source: DCA Car Service

Valentine’s Day By The Numbers

Another year, another day to celebrate with the love of your life (or sulk miserably alone on a Friday while all your couple friends are out having a great time together). The below infographic details out a lot of fun statistics surrounding the holiday as well as some health facts that can help… set the mood.

Happy Valentines day from HCL Nursing – An infographic by the team at Valentine’s Day Infographic from HCL Nursing

HCL Nursings Valentines day infographic


An Inside Look at Valentine’s Day

With Valentine’s Day fast approaching (here’s your reminder that it’s this Friday!) it’s always fun to take a look back at the history of the holiday. The below infographic discusses the history of gift giving on this famously loving day. Find out who spends the most, who the holiday is really for, and other fun facts. If you’re looking for a unique gift for a special someone who loves coffee, you may consider giving them witty mugs. If you’re planning to give a luxury watch to your partner as a Valentine’s gift, you may want to inform that they can bring the watch to a watch service shop for any necessary repairs or maintenance.

Source: FitFlop

How to Keep Kids Safe this Halloween

With Halloween fast approaching, it’s always worth a quick recap on how to keep children safe in order to maximize the amount of fun they’ll have while in costume prancing through the neighborhood. The below infographic outlines some important details:

Source: Safekids.org