How to Plan a Website Redesign Simplified

Building a website *seems* simple enough. But we can assure you… it is not a task to be taken lightly. Everything from mocking up designs, building the wire frames, coding the actual design, testing, writing all the content, testing again, editing… changing… fixing bugs… etc… the list continues to grow. The below infographic details out how to start properly on step one and do it right the first time.

Source: Best Website Builder

The Science Behind Awesome Websites

A lot of people just kind of assume the internet works through this magic series of tubes, where these magic people live who just slam on keyboards all day and *poof* websites just suddenly appear. The folks at Intellicore hope to limit this misunderstanding with the below infographic, discussing the nuts and bolts of creating awesome websites:

Source: Intellicore blog

How does Web Hosting Work?

Setting up a website has never been easier. However there are still countless little details that must be accounted for before you can go live on the world wide web. Things like choosing a domain, hosting, setting up a CMS… the list goes on. The below infographic helps with one of the more technical sides, web hosting. Check it out for more information related to how to make sure you get all your hosting needs set up correctly.

Source: Cheap Web Hosting Now

How to Build Trust in the Cloud

The cloud, despite it’s ever growing presence in the workplace, is not only still a mystery for some, but also a ridiculously difficult thing to protect for the folks in IT. Think about it, all that super valuable information all stored in one place, where even one employee can mess everything up. The below infographic should be shared with everyone in IT to ease their concerns that they’re not alone.

Source: Perspecsys
Cloud Trust

Cloud Trust graphic by Perspecsys