The History of Online Trading Academy

The past 15 years have been pretty wild if you pause and think about it. From a financial collapse, major political tide changes, and ever growing connectivity through the internet, it’s forced many people to think much differently. The below infographic shows the history of Online Trading Academy during this time and the ways in which they have adjusted.

Source: Graphic by Online Trading Academy
Trading History

Quick Fixes for Around the House

Everyone wants to have a beautiful home. However a lot of people aren’t will (or sometimes even able) to put in the massive amount of time it can often take to do full remodels. The below infographic offers some quick and easy tips  to improving your home without having to spend too much time or money.

Source: Quick Quid

Consumer Loan Statistics in the UK

It’s no surprise that after a financial collapse that personal debt would be on the rise. The below interactive infographic details out how these numbers have taken shape since 2005 — click on the image to launch the version where you can adjust the years to see how the numbers have changed.

Source: QuickQuid

Click to launch interactive version:

What are the Odds in Winning the Lottery

We absolutely love sitting around plotting what we would do if we won millions of dollars. Perhaps a nice car, a new house for our moms, a swimming pool full of quarters… The list goes on and on and on. The below infographic details out what the odds in this dream becoming a reality really are.

Source: Live Roulette

Car Accidents and Insurance Companies

Between cute farm animals, NFL players and extremely annoying cashiers, insurance companies are all competing to get your attention and to present themselves as friendly as possible. And while the characters they present in their ads might be kind of fun, the below information reveals a lot about the business behind a lot of these companies. The below infographic by the BD & J Law Firm details a lot of the tricks they might use in order to prevent payment in the event of an auto accident.

US Consumer Debt in 2012

While overall US consumer debt was down in 2012, the number is still staggering at 11 trillion dollars, with one of the largest being student loans, which is now higher than US consumer credit card debt. The below infographic breaks down some of the surprising and interesting statistics surrounding people’s spending habits and debt.

Source: The Credit Examiner
US Consumer Debt Statistics and Trends 2012

The Benefits of Mobile Payment Processing

Mobile payments are on a massive upswing. But even while user adoption is on the rise, this market still has massive room for growth. It is only a matter of time before our phones contain all our payment methods, like credit and debit cards, our identification and perhaps some other magical technology that hasn’t been invented yet.

This below infographic details out some of the advantages of mobile payment processing.


mobile merchant