What is the Two Week Wait?

Do you know what the “two week wait” is? Certainly an exciting time for anyone trying to get pregnant, the two week wait is the time between conception and finding out whether or not the embryo will stick. The below infographic will detail out exactly what to expect during the two week wait, as well as the science behind the whole time period.

Source: Genea Fertility Help

20 Tips for a Better Night Sleep

Sleep. We’re willing to bet you’re not getting enough of it. Mostly because there are very few people who actually do get enough sleep! Well we have the perfect infographic for you today, with 20 tips to help you get a better night sleep. The folks at Arro Home detail the facts out in great detail. Now go catch some ZZZs.

Source: Arro Home

Home Improvement Etiquette Infographic

Not all contractors are the same it appears. The folks at TheBathOutlet took a survey to determine all the differences between what people believed were industry standards across the board with various contractors. Breaking down the results into the major groups provides for some interesting insight.

Source: TheBathOutlet

Judges – Natural Born Poker Players

A lot of people like to claim they play poker really well. But sometimes certain folks just have natural skills and perhaps none more than judges. The below infographic details out some fun facts showing the similarities between what makes for a good judge and what makes for a good poker player.

Source: PokerStars.com