Futbol Versus Football

Quick, what shape is the ball when you think of the word “FOOTBALL.” Oval or round? Depending on your answer, guessing whether or not you’re an American becomes quite an easy task. Below, the two conflicting sports are compared and contrasted:

Source: Xango

The 2012 Solar Eclipse

One of the coolest visible events in space is a solar eclipse. The size and wonder of witnessing the moon pass between us and the sun is a pretty unbelievable site. Below, the folks at Turu have outlined both the process of a solar eclipse as well as the time and place of the next eclipse that will occur:

Source: Turu

Beef 101

With winter sneaking up on us, it might be time to consider putting away the grill as snow and rain don’t exactly scream “GRILL BABY GRILL.” — But at the same time, now might be the right time to start researching BBQ tips and tricks for next year. Check out this Beef 101 infographic that breaks down lots of great deals about the juicy red meat:

Source: Grilling with Rich